Outdoor Learning

Our classroom is hard to beat.

Made for you.

Our Outdoor Learning Modules are created to line up directly with the BC teaching curriculum, giving you the confidence that what is being taught at Camp Bob will fit right in with what is happening in your classroom. All our modules are dynamic and immersive leading to a hands on experience.

We also offer a number of Adventure Modules that teach life skills like wilderness safety and team building. Hand pick from our selection to customize the perfect experience for your class.


Come for a day…

Join us for a day trip and fit between two to four modules in. Our day program costs $37 a student with a minimum group size of 10. Teachers and parents are free, but do not count towards the group size.


…or four!

Enjoy Camp Bob’s setting for as many nights as you like! With a selection of 17 different modules, you’ll be able to fill your time without any problems. Select Fee Structure below or contact us for overnight pricing.

 Outdoor Education Grants

There may be a variety of different grants available out there, but there is one in particular that we encourage you look into. The Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation (HCTF) provides grants to classrooms to help them get outside. Classes can receive up to $600 and schools or multiple classes can receive up to $3500. Deadlines for applications are February 1st for field trips between April 1 - June 30 and September 1st for field trips between Sept 1- March 31.

Outdoor Learning Modules


Geology & Landforms

Get your hands dirty with rocks and minerals. This module involves rock samples and a rock cycle experiment.

Wildlife Discovery

Experience how animals interact with their environments and how ecosystems function and survive.


Learn how weather patterns work through fun and unique experiments.

Water Cycle

Learn the basics of the water cycle then apply it to the importance and impact on healthy water systems and drinkable water.

Water Quality

Dive deeper into what makes a water system healthy and discover a scientific process for evaluations.

Critter Catch

This module aims to help younger students understand the different classifications of insects and, of course, involves a little bug catching.

Plant Identification

Explore the meaning of biodiversity by engaging in it. Learn what biodiversity is and the importance of it.

3D Topographical Modeling

Learn how to better understand topographical maps and how they represent real world landforms.

Water Invertebrates

Learn and test different methods of studying water invertebrates and what scientists can learn about water systems through those studies.

Adventure Modules

Our Adventure Modules, although not academically focused, help achieve learning outcomes in physical literacy, healthy and active living, social and community health and mental well-being.


Shelter Building

Fire Starting

Wilderness Safety

Teambuilding and Low Ropes





Rock Climbing