Our Story
Why we do what we do
Summer camp is one of the most powerful tools in impacting the lives of all ages. Camp helps people become more confident in themselves. More socially adjusted for working with others. It teaches hard and soft skills. It shows people that they are loved and valued. But most importantly, we believe, at camp you encounter God in a powerful way.
Everything Campfire Ministries sets out to accomplish through Camp Bob is rooted in our missions statement. From capital projects to summer programs, we strive to make sure we are aligning ourselves with God’s will.
Missions Statement
To introduce people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds to the Gospel of Jesus Christ by the testimony of Him in us, in our amazing wilderness location.
Our Commitment
In addition to our mission statement. the following commitments guide the way we operate.
We commit to…
Providing a physically, spiritually and emotionally non-threatening camp environment
Promoting a culture of honour, respect and personal value.
Providing adventure experiences that encourage personal growth and development.
Strive for excellence in leadership, staffing programming and caring for campers.
Provide financial assistance to campers who cannot afford to come to summer camp.
As a Mennonite Brethren Camp, we also commit to adhere to the BCMB Confession of Faith.
Where it all began
Campfire Ministries began in 1995 as an outreach program Of The Black Creek Community Church on Vancouver Island. For the next six years, the program existed as a summer day camp. Campers would meet in the parking lot of the church, load onto a bus and move to different locations , taking full advantage of the many outdoor recreational opportunities in the area.
In 2001, Campfire Ministries took steps towards a more robust outdoor ministry. A board of directors was formed and a vision and purpose for future grow was made a priority.
In 2002, Campfire Ministries began a working relationship with the BC Ministry Of Forests. In exchange for clean-up operations of designated recreation site on Roberts Lake, the Ministry Of Forests extended an offer to allow Campfire Ministries to use an area for summer camp programs. That year marked the first summer of Camp Bob, a rustic, boat or hike in access, wilderness camp on Roberts Lake.
In 2003, a 10 year land use agreement was established between Campfire Ministries and the BC ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. As the vision for Camp Bob grew, so did it’s needs. By 2010 Campfire Ministries began negotiations to change the land use agreement to a long term lease.
A formal application and development plan was submitted in 2012 and in 2013 received a 30 year license of occupation and grant for 65 acres of waterfront property on Roberts Lake.
Since then, multiple infrastructure additions have been made including a kitchen, summer staff housing, shower houses and even an access road. At every turn in this process over the years, God’s hand has been evident and strategic as His favour has been poured our continually over this ministry.
Camp Bob is built on the foundation of those who were willing to sacrifice their time, energy and resources. For that we are eternally grateful.
That tradition remains the same today. Over one third of our operating budget is dependent on donations. This helps subsidize our camps so you only pay a portion of the actual costs. In addition, all capitol projects are entirely dependent on donations.
Please consider donating today.